十大手游平台app_湖南住房城乡建设厅_乐途旅游网_模块建站的费用一般多少      In the 21st century, with global networking, science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds. Our lives have also undergone great changes. With the popularity of computers, various fields of our social and economic life are also changing. The depth and breadth of people's information exchange are increasing, which makes the traditional industry model to follow the pace of the times and provide users with more convenient and personalized services. E-commerce has been greatly popularized and developed here. Under the tide of global networking, everything is entering the network industry, especially -- some big brands have already entered the network and globalization. Now that the animation industry is still on the rise, the animation system website will certainly go further.

The "Django Animation Website" researched and developed in this paper mainly analyzes the functional requirements of the platform's foreground and background management, and non-functional requirement of the system's security and scalability. On the basis of detailed requirements analysis, the database structure was determined based on the functional design of the system, achieving complete code writing. The anime website has completed the page design and functional implementation of the main modules of the system. This article presents the implementation rendering of the homepage page, and introduces the implementation process of user registration function, English supported theater, English supported animation, fan drama, article column, forum hot post, bulletin board, and big boss recruitment through the code and page.

Key words:Animation display; Django framework; Forum communication

目  录







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