
摘 要
Knowledge changes fate. The development of science and technology creates small programs, which also occupy an important share in the management of food recommendation. The management of food recommendation is also marching towards information management. Due to the responsibility problems between each internal work department, the work information of food recommendation is scattered, it is difficult to make statistics, and information sharing can not be realized. There is an urgent need for the addition of science and technology and small program technology.
The dining recommendation system of Songjiang University Town starts from the food recommendation management, and after analysis and design, the designed function can meet the real needs of catering recommendation, and can be properly operated by the public. The system uses MySQL database in the database to ensure the integrity of the data in the system. The focus of this system is the call and security of information. After research and investigation, the dining recommendation system of Songjiang University town uses Java language, wechat applet technology, SSM framework and Vue technology in the development language. The designed roles include administrator and user. Users can browse restaurant information and food information for evaluation and collection, and administrators can manage user information and food, restaurant and evaluation information. The designed system ensures the safety of work information related to food recommendation and the rights of users.
Key words: restaurant information; User information; Evaluation information; Java language; Food information






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