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<html><head><title>HELLOMUSIC</title><style>.logo {list-style-type: none;background-color: #e2ffe2;overflow: hidden;text-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #5f9ea0;height: 75px;}.logo div a:hover {background-color: #7fdacd;}.yi {float: left;}.er {float: left;}.si {float: left;></li><li><a href="https://music.douban.com/subject/22951704/" target="_blank">Touch </a></li><li><a href="https://music.douban.com/subject/22951704/" target="_blank">Get Lucky</a></li><li><a href="https://music.douban.com/subject/22951704/" target="_blank">Beyond</a></li><li><a href="https://music.douban.com/subject/22951704/" target="_blank">Motherhood</a></li><li><a href="https://music.douban.com/subject/22951704/" target="_blank">Fragments of Time</a></li><li><a href="https://music.douban.com/subject/22951704/" target="_blank">Doin’ It Right</a></li><li><a href="https://music.douban.com/subject/22951704/" target="_blank">Contact(featuring DJ Falcon)</a></li></ul><hr /></div><div class="float2"><img id="LSD" align='left' class="transition-all" src="IMG_0009(20201125-123037).JPG" width="160">&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp"Random Access Memories" is the fourth official album released by the French duo duo duo punk.The album issupervised by orchestra members Thomas Bengut and Guy-Manuel de Homan-Christo. It is a standard record. A totalof13 songs were recorded, and they were released on May 17, 2013 through Daft Life Records. The album won theGrammyAwards for "Album of the Year" and "Best Electronic Dance Album" in January 2014. Silly Punk’s originalintention ofmaking "Random Access Memories" was to pay tribute to the Michael Jackson, Car Chorus, and Stilidan Chorus inthelate 1970s and early 1980s. However, when silly punk recorded "Random Access Memories", it used a differentrecording method from previous studio albums, that is, in the process of recording the album, many musicianswereinvited to perform live recording in professional recording studios. Instead of directly sampling other people'ssong fragments. "Random Access Memories" is mainly composed of Chic lead singer Nile Rogers. In terms ofplanning,both dumb punk and Nile Rogers respect each other's opinions.</div><p style="font-size: 60px;margin-left: 3%;">&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp</p><br /><h1 style="margin-left: 3%;">歌曲介绍</h1><div class="c1" style="margin-left: 5%;"><a href="#Holy"><img src="IMG_5535(20201015-145412).JPG" width="160"></a></div><div class="c2" style="margin-left: 3%;"><a href="#Love yourself"><img src="IMG_3197(20200615-001951).JPG" width="160"></a></div><div class="c3" style="margin-left: 3%;"><a href="#What do you mean"><img src="IMG_5536(20201015-145445).JPG" width="160"></a></div><div class="c4" style="margin-left: 3%;"><a href="#Sorry"><img src="IMG_5452(20200924-134609).JPG" width="160"></a></div><div class="c5" style="margin-left: 3%;"><a href="#Intentions"><img src="IMG_3187(20190812-183345).JPG" width="160"></a></div><div class="c6" style="margin-left: 3%;"><a href="#Come Around Me"><img src="IMG_0009(20201125-123037).JPG" width="160"></a></div><br /><br /><p style="font-size: 50px;margin-left: 20%;">&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp</p><div class="tiao"><b id="Holy">Holy</b><p>&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbspOn September 15, New York, Grammy Award winner and global superstar Justin Bieberofficially confirmed the release of a new music. He cooperated with rapper chance the rapper to releaseanewsingle "holy". This song marks Bieber's return to pop music. Just a few months ago, Bieber and quavo's8xplatinum single "ideas" topped the radio charts in June, the seventh time in his career that he won thebillboard pop songs chart. The single was also featured in a short film directed by Colin Tilley.</p><br /><b id="Love yourself">Love yourself</b><p>&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbspLove yourself is a popular song sung by Canadian male singer Justin Bieber. Thelyricsarejointly composed by Justin Bieber, ed Hiran and Benny blank. The composition is in charge of ED Hiran.Bennyblank is the music producer. Josie Godwin is responsible for the mixing of singing and music. The songwasincluded in Justin Bieber's fourth studio album, purpose, and released through Isle records on November9,2015as the third single to promote the album.The song is Justin Bieber's third No. 1 single on the Billboard's top 100 singles list and won the No. 1spot onFebruary 13, 2016 for two weeks. In other countries, the song is ranked in Australia, the UnitedKingdom,Canada, New Zealand and other regions of the music version champion [6]. In January 2016, the song wascertifiedas double platinum single with more than 2 million sales in the United States. In May 2016, the song wonthe"most popular pop rock song" award at the National Music Awards.</p><br /><b id="What do you mean">What do you mean</b><p>&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp《What Do You Mean? 》It is a popular song sung by Canadian male singer Justin Bieber. Thelyricsand music score of the song are jointly written by Jason Boyd, Justin Bieber and Mason levy. 《What DoYouMean?》As the first single to promote the album, it was released through Island Records on August 28, 2015 andincluded in Justin Bieber's fourth studio album "purpose" released on November 13, 2015.《What Do You Mean? 》It is the 23rd American billboard song to win the first week of the top 100 single,anditis also Justin Bieber's first single on the list. In other regions, the song has won the music charts ofBritain, France, Europe, Australia, Austria and other 20 regions. January 6, 2015, what do you mean?》Wonthe"most popular song" award from the 42nd people's Choice Award.The single was named one of "101 best songs of 2015" by spin magazine and ranked No.1.</p><br /><b id="Sorry">Sorry</b><p>&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp"Sorry" is a popular song sung by Canadian male singer Justin Bieber. The lyrics andmusicscoreare jointly written by Julia Mack, Justin Bieber, skyrex, sonny Moore and Michael Tucker. Skyrex andbloodareresponsible for the music publishing. As the second single to promote the album, the song was releasedbyIslarecords on October 23, 2015, and was included in Justin Bieber's fourth studio album, purpose."Sorry" is Justin Bieber's second top 100 single on the billboard of the United States. It won the topofthelist on January 23, 2016 and won the title for three consecutive weeks. In other regions, the song alsowonthetop of 13 national music charts, including Ireland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Canada, South Africa,Slovakia,Sweden and the United Kingdom. In May 2016, the song was nominated for the Billboard Music Award "bestsellingsong".In December 2015, the song was named one of the "top 25 songs of the year" by Billboard magazine,ranking15th.</p><br /><b id="Intentions">Intentions</b><p>&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp"Intentions" is a song jointly recorded and sung by Canadian pop singer Justin BieberandAmerican rap group migos member quavo. The single was released through universal records on February 14,2020</p><br /><b id="Come Around Me">Come Around Me</b><p>&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp"Come around me" is a song recorded and sung by Canadian pop male singer Justin Bieber.Itisincluded in Justin Bieber's fifth studio album "changes", which is the third song in the album .The songisoneof 17 songs from Justin Bieber's fifth studio album changes</p></div> 大连网络公司建设彩票网站平台搭建制作如何创建网络平台友情链接平台网页制作内容策划简单的销售管理系统找个网站都懂得贴吧上海做网络口碑优化的公司福州软件开发公司排名关键词搜索爱站网急招临时工350一天厦门公司建设网站免费的app制作微信网址是多少河北邢台属于哪个市无极在线网招聘信息杭州软件开发公司招聘信息自己建网站平台多少钱在上海如何注册一家公司营销与销售的区别微信商家店铺怎么开通建站系统开源中国在线ps制作手机版公司免费logo设计东莞高端网站建设服务如何制作海报全球域名查询网汽车之家官网首页入口百度自动提交收录代码免费个人网站源码社区佛山外贸网站制作
